

Vipassana is een vorm van meditatie die ook wel inzichtmeditatie wordt genoemd. De vipassana-meditatie is ontwikkeld door de Boeddha; een lichte variant hiervan wordt gebruikt bij mindfulness-trainingen. Vipassana Haarlem organiseert een of twee keer per jaar een introductiecursus, naast andere activiteiten zoals een doorlopende groep, Insight Dialogue en themadagen.

De stichting stelt zich ten doel:

  • de beoefening van vipassana-meditatie, ook wel inzichtmeditatie genoemd, te bevorderen;
  • het stimuleren van de studie naar en het in praktijk brengen van de leer van de Boeddha;
  • het verrichten van alle verdere handelingen, die met het vorenstaande in de ruimste zin verband houden of daartoe bevorderlijk kunnen zijn.

Ctihodný Dhammadípa se rozhodl šířit Buddhovo poselství v Evropě. Za tímto účelem založil Buddhistické centrum Lesní klid s cílem poskytnout prostor pro studium a praxi buddhismu a dalším duchovním směrům, které souzní s buddhistickou naukou. Název pochází ze sanskrtu, jednoho z kanonickým jazyků buddhismu. Shanta Vana lze přeložit do češtiny jako lesní klid či utišený les.


Meditation centre with resident Buddhist nun


Theravada Buddhist temple with resident monks from Sri Lanka.  Located in Ilford which is in the London Borough of Redbridge (north-eastern part of Greater London, bordering the county of Essex).  Ilford Train Station is a 3 minute walk from the temple.  Ilford Train Station is a 20 minute direct train journey from one of central London's main train stations (London Liverpool Street Train Station).  The monks are supported through daily alms by a community of lay supporters.  There are two daily pujas (chanting sessions reciting key teachings of the Buddha in the ancient Pali language) at 6:30am and 6:30pm, as well as weekend, monthly and yearly programmes and events.


Skiptvet Buddhist Monastery is located in the quiet, peaceful countryside of Østfold County, south of Oslo, and is surrounded by fields and forests. It is a place conducive to learning about Buddhism, to practising mindfulness, and to developing peace inside. Although there is much time for individual meditation and contemplation, visitors should be aware that this is not a retreat centre. The emphasis here is on applying the Buddhist Path in all activities throughout the day, and not just during formal meditation. During their stay, guests are expected to take part in the daily routine, and also to help out with certain tasks.

There are now western monks in residence who have been invited here to found the first Scandinavian "forest monastery". The monks belong to the lineage of Ajahn Chah, which is part of the Thai forest tradition.

See also:

деревня Большие Коты
Иркутская область

Центр випассаны Dhammapadipa открыт в деревне Большие Коты на берегу Байкала. Мы принимаем учеников летом, когда можно медитировать, не отвлекаясь на холод.

Метод медитации - Сатипаттхана Випассана, медитация прозрения, базирующаяся на четырех основах осознанности:

осознанность тела
осознанность ощущений
осознанность ума
осознанность объектов ума

Медитация состоит из одинаковых промежутков ходьбы и сидения с осознаванием и умственной фиксацией внешних и внутренних явлений. В методе уделяется особое внимание равитию концентрации от момента к моменту в паре с осознанностью. Ежедневно медитатор получает новые инструкции от учителя. Предполагается, что медитатор серьезно практикует и четко следует инструкциям учителя, не смешивая випассану с другими техниками. Это довольно интенсивная и сложная практика.

The meditation centre in Latvia is a result of inspiration and experience we have got at Pa-Auk Forest Monastery in Burma (Myanmar). The place for the center was blessed by Venerable U Acinna Pa-Auk Tawya Sayadaw during his visit in Latvia in 2009.


The official website of the Birmingham Buddhist Vihara and the Talaka Pagoda, which are supported mostly by the Burmese community and native-born Buddhists. Details of the history of the Vihara, resident monks, Vihara activities, articles on Buddhism and a list of publications.

Aegna Island

4 Main Goals

  1. To translate Pali Tipiṭaka into Estonian
  2. To built the first Buddhist temple in Estonia
  3. To establish an International Meditation Center
  4. To built up an International Buddhist University in Estonia.
Vallensbæk Strand

Visiting Monk of the Vihara Bhante Gnãnaratana, who came to the Vihara in June, 2000 is currently 36 years of age and he too is an erudite monk who was recommended by the High Authority of the Malwatte Chapter in Kandy, Sri Lanka. He has a BA Honours Degree and MA in Buddhist Philosophy from the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. In addition, he has a diploma in education from the University of Colombo, in Sri Lanka. He comes to Copenhagen Vihara almost every weekend of every month from Sweden to serve the Sri Lankan Buddhist followers. He participates in Buddhist activities in Lund, Helsiengborg, and Malmo in Sweden.

Portal to most Czech Buddhist web sites, mainly Theravada.

Here you can find information about Vipassana meditation in the tradition of the Ven. Mahasi Sayadaw of Burma (now Myanmar).

Vipassanagruppen is a nonprofit organisation for people interested in insight meditation. Regular sittings, seminars and retreats. Swedish and English

The NBO was founded in 1993 to promote fellowship and dialogue between Buddhist organizations, to facilitate co-operation in matters of common interest and to work in harmony with Buddhist and likeminded organizations around the world.

Goljek Forest Hermitage – also called Samaṇadīpa – is a small monastic (samaṇa) sanctuary (dīpa) for small number of monks from the contemplative and conservative forest tradition of Theravāda Buddhism. It is the first of the kind in this part of Europe that follows the original teachings of the Buddha, as found in the early texts and has an unbroken linage from around 2600 years ago. The monks follow the high standard of the monastic code (vinaya) and the teaching (dhamma), which can be found in Theravādin countries (Thailand, Sri Lanka, Burma, Laos, Cambodia).

Samaṇadīpa uses two seperated lands. The main Hermitage's cottage (Ārāma) stands on a slope of half a hectare of land, and more than 3/4 of it is covered in forest. The cottage has the Shrine Room, the kitchen and two bedrooms; in the forest are two kuties, Abhaya Kuṭī and Piya Kuṭī. The second - more secluded and private property - has a cottage (Viveka Vihāra) with two bedrooms and one kuti (Viveka Kuṭī). The property is located about 20min walk from the Samanadipa Arama Vihara.

Samaṇadīpa welcomes visits from anyone who is interested in the Buddha's Teaching, meditation or seeking the answers to their existential problems. The main purpose of the place is to provide seclusion for monks, however any visitor is welcome to talk to monks and also could stay here overnight for few days.

Das Theravadanetz ist eine Arbeitsgruppe der Deutsche Buddhistische Union e.V. (DBU). Die wichtigsten Ziele und Aktivitten der DBU lassen sich in Punkten zusammenfassen. Wir wollen:

* Den authentischen Theravada-Buddhismus fördern,

* eine Rahmen schaffen fr Begegnung und Austausch zwischen Theravada-Buddhisten in Deutschland,

* den Austausch zwischen den verschiedenen Schulen des Buddhismus fördern

* den Theravada-Buddhismus vernetzen

* gemeinsame Projekte durchfhren

Saddha – Associazione Amici del Santacittarama, nasce nell’estate del 2011 con lo scopo di favorire l’incontro di buddhisti laici che cercano buoni amici spirituali con i quali condividere la pratica, uniti da un comune riconoscimento del valore dei Rifugi e Precetti. È non dogmatica e inclusiva, aperta sia a praticanti da lunga data sia a persone che vi si stanno avvicinando da poco, in sinergia con tutte le altre Associazioni italiane o semplicemente gruppi di pratica che stanno lavorando su questo sentiero di sviluppo della consapevolezza nel mondo laico.

Svetainės tikslas - suteikti lietuviams, norintiems susipažinti su ankstyvaisiais Gautamos Budos mokymais, prieigą prie išverstų iš pali kalbos tekstų. Čia taip pat rasite kelis pažintinius straipsnius apie Theravados budizmą.

Этот сайт является проектом, который объединяет буддистов различных традиций, йогов, психологов. Всех нас связывает желанием побольше узнать об Дхамме Аджана Чаа и его учениках из монастырей как Востока, так и Запада.

Основная задача этого сайта - информировать о приездах и проводящихся ретритах (практических курсах) учителей, учеников Ланг По Чаа.
Сейчас еще не так много переведено книг с учениями монахов и монахинь этой традиции на русский язык . Мы собираемся по-немногу восполнять этот пробел. Кому это интересно – присоединяйтесь!

Нашими общими усилиями уже были организованы приезды и ретриты в Россию и Украину учителей: Аджана Сумедо, Аджана Амаро, Аджана Джаясаро, Аджана Вимало, Аджана Ньянарато, Аджана Ньянадассано и Аджана Титамеды.



Details of retreats and Dhamma teachings.

See also: