Перевод "sukha"

Автор Ассаджи, 08:07 01 июня 2019

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По словарю Рис-Дейвидза:

Sukha (p. 716) (adj. -- n.) [Vedic sukha; in R. V. only of ratha; later generally] agreeable, pleasant, blest Vin i.3; Dh 118, 194, 331; Sn 383; paṭipadā, pleasant path, easy progress A ii.149 sq.; Dhs 178; kaṇṇa -- s. pleasant to the ear D i.4; happy, pleased D ii.233. -- nt. sukhaŋ wellbeing, happiness, ease; ideal, success Vin i.294; D i.73 sq.; M i.37; S i.5; A iii.355 (deva -- manussānaŋ); It 47; Dh 2; Sn 67; Dhs 10; DhsA 117; PvA 207 (lokiya˚ worldly happiness). -- kāyika sukkha bodily welfare Tikp 283; cp. Cpd. 1121; sāmisaŋ s. material happiness A i.81; iii.412; VbhA 268. On relation to pīti (joy) see Vism 145 (sankhāra -- kkhandha -- sangahitā pīti, vedanā -- kkhandha -- sangahitaŋ sukhaŋ) and Cpd. 56, 243. -- Defined further at Vism 145 & 461 (iṭṭha -- phoṭṭhabb -- ânubhavana -- lakkhaṇaŋ; i. e. of the kind of experiencing pleasant contacts). -- Two kinds, viz. kāyika & cetasika at Ps i.188; several other pairs at A i.80; three (praise, wealth, heaven) It 67; another three (manussa˚, dibba˚, nibbāna˚) DhA iii.51; four (possessing, making good use of possessions, having no debts, living a blameless life) A ii.69. -- gātha -- bandhana -- sukh'atthaŋ for the beauty of the verse J ii.224. -- Opp. asukha D iii.222, 246; Sn 738; or dukkha, with which often combd (e. g. Sn 67, 873, with spelling dukha at both pass.). -- Cases: instr. sukhena with comfort, happily, through happiness Th 1, 220; DhsA 406; acc. sukhaŋ comfortably, in happiness; yathā s. according to liking PvA 133; sukhaŋ seti to rest in ease, to lie well S i.41; A i.136; Dh 19, 201; J i.141. Cp. sukhasayita. -- s. edhati to thrive, prosper S i.217; Dh 193; Sn 298; cp. sukham -- edha Vin iii.137 (with Kern's remarks Toev. ii.83). s. viharati to live happily, A i.96; iii.3; Dh 379. -- Der. sokhya.
    -- atthin fem. -- nī longing for happiness Mhvs 6, 4. -- āvaha bringing happiness, conducive to ease S i.2 sq., 55; Dh 35; J ii.42. -- indriya the faculty of ease S v.209 sq.; Dhs 452; It 15, 52. -- udraya (sometimes spelt ˚undriya) having a happy result A i.97; Ps i.80; Pv iv.178 (=sukha -- vipāka PvA 243); Vv 318. -- ūpaharaṇa happy offering, luxury J i.231. -- edhita read as sukhe ṭhita (i. e. being happy) at Vin iii.13 & S v.351 (v. l. sukhe ṭhita); also at DhA i.165; cp. J vi.219. -- esin looking for pleasure Dh 341. -- kāma longing for happiness M i.341; S iv.172, 188. -- da giving pleasure Sn 297. -- dhamma a good state M i.447. -- nisinna comfortably seated J iv.125. -- paṭisaŋvedin experiencing happiness Pug 61. -- ppatta come to well -- being, happy J iii.112. -- pharaṇatā diffusion of well -- being, ease Nett 89 (among the constituents of samādhi). -- bhāgiya participating in happiness Nett 120 sq., 125 sq., 239 (the four s. dhammā are indriyasaŋvara, tapasaŋkhāta puññadhamma, bojjhangabhāvanā and sabbūpadhipaṭinissaggasankhāta nibbāna). -- bhūmi a soil of ease, source of ease Dhs 984; DhsA 346. -- yānaka an easy -- going cart DhA 325. -- vinicchaya discernment of happiness M iii.230 sq. -- vipāka resulting in happiness, ease D i.51; A i.98; DA i.158. -- vihāra dwelling at ease S v.326. -- vihārin dwelling at ease, well at ease D i.75; Dhs 163; J i.140. -- saŋvāsa pleasant to associate with Dh 207. -- saññin conceiving happiness, considering as happiness A ii.52. -- samuddaya origin of bliss It 16, 52. -- samphassa pleasant to touch Dhs 648. -- sammata deemed a pleasure Sn 760. -- sayita well embedded (in soil), of seeds A iii.404=D ii.354.

По словарю Кочергиной:

sukha 1. 1) легкий 2) приятный; милый 3) добрый 4) удобный, уютный 5) счастливый
2. n. 1) лёгкость 2) покой 3) доброта 4) удобство 5) счастье, радость;
Acc. sukhaṃ, Instr. sukhena, (o-) adv. а) удобно, уютно б) легко, без труда в) приятно


Сукха и метта это синонимы?


Нет, это совершенно разные понятия.