Перевод "paramattha sacca"

Автор Ассаджи, 17:52 28 января 2019

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Доброго времени, друзья!

У нас обычно переводят этот термин кальками с английского: "абсолютная истина", и т.п., в духе интеллектуальной философии, в которую принято превращать буддизм.

О чем идет речь? Как пишет досточимый Бхиккху Бодхи в "Руководстве по Абхидхамме":

ЦитироватьAccording to the Abhidhamma philosophy, there are two kinds of realities—the conventional (sammuti) and the ultimate (paramattha). Conventional realities are the referents of ordinary conceptual thought (paññatti) and conventional modes of expression (vohāra). They include such entities as living beings, persons, men, women, animals, and the apparently stable persisting objects that constitute our unanalyzed picture of the world.The Abhidhamma philosophy maintains that these notions do not possess ultimate validity, for the objects which they signify do not exist in their own right as irreducible realities. Their mode of being is conceptual, not actual. They are products of mental construction (parikappanā), not realities existing by reason of their own nature. Ultimate realities, in contrast, are things that exist by reason of their own intrinsic nature (sabhāva). These are the dhammas: the final, irreducible components of existence, the ultimate entities which result from a correctly performed analysis of experience. Such existents admit of no further reduction, but are themselves the final terms of analysis, the true constituents of the complex manifold of experience.

То есть речь идет о данности второго из этих видов.

Как объясняется в словаре досточимого Нянатилоки:

Цитироватьparamattha (-sacca, -vacana, -desanā): 'truth (or term, exposition) that is true in the highest (or ultimate) sense', as contrasted with the 'conventional truth' (vohāra-sacca), which is also called 'commonly accepted truth' (sammuti-sacca; in Skr: samvrti-satya).

The Buddha, in explaining his doctrine, sometimes used conventional language and sometimes the philosophical mode of expression which is in accordance with undeluded insight into reality. In that ultimate sense, existence is a mere process of physical and mental phenomena within which, or beyond which, no real ego-entity nor any abiding substance can ever be found. Thus, whenever the suttas speak of man, woman or person, or of the rebirth of a being, this must not be taken as being valid in the ultimate sense, but as a mere conventional mode of speech (vohāra-vacana).

Как объясняется в пали-английском словаре:

ЦитироватьParamattha [cp. class. Sk. paramārtha] the highest good, ideal; truth in the ultimate sense, philosophical truth

То есть имеется в виду "данность (сачча) в высшем (парама) смысле (аттха)".