встреча с Дост. Сумана Сири в Москве в Корейском храме "

Автор karuna, 18:07 11 сентября 2013

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В воскресенье 15 сентября состоится лекция   монаха Дост. Сумана Сири в корейском храме "Дальма-са" http://dalma.ru/we.html

Начало в 11.00. Просьба прийти немного пораньше.
Подношение еды  состоится в 13:00

Краткая биография Дост. Сумана Сири

D. Th (Oxford), D.B.S., B.A. (Hons) D.Hom(Med.) (U.K.), N.M.D., D.H.M. (U.S.A.), F.B.I. H.
(U.K.), Executive Director, Medical Consultant, Lord Eminent in Buddhist Scriptures, "Specialist in
10 Languages".
Born 1st January to Singapore parents in Malacca, 60 years ago, Rev. Dr. Sumana Siri belongs
both to Singapore and Malaysia.
After his primary school in Geylang, at 11+ he became the first boy to be ordained in
Singapore's history in 1964, at Sri Lankaramaya where he won a gold medal in the Sundays
His teacher was Ven. M. Sumana Maha Thera, Chief Monk of Sri Lankaramaya, in the 60s.
Subsequently, the young novice went to Sri Lanka and got himself trained in all aspects of
Buddhism including Oriental languages. Learning science at college with Western Classics and
Economics, he then embarked on University education, which earned him a Diploma in
Theravada & Mahayana and an Honours Degree in Philosophy together with certs in German,
French, and Hindi. He now speaks 11 languages.
After 15 years serving Malaysia particularly his Penang Buddhist Realists' Centre and Kuala
Lumpur and his original Singapore, he went to London University and studied Law. At the same
time in 1991, he established the Buddhist Realist's Vihara in London and Italy in 1997.
4 years of Medical Studies in London gave him a Diploma and Doctorate in Homeopathy
Medicine. He was made a Fellow in the British Institute of Homeopathy. Concurrently, the
American Naturopathic Medical Association conferred a doctorate on him.
As a widely read scholar Rev. Dr. Sumana at 60 has been and served 60 countries giving
research papers in Sociology, History, Criminal Law and Medical Ethics apart from all aspects of
Buddhist Philosophy and practice. Having attended 124 international conferences in many fields
he is able to reach people at different levels and takes about 40-45 flights a year.
Soon his German devotees will establish his circle in Berlin. He helped to establish Geneva and
Zurich Buddhist Viharas.
In the year 2000, for 9 months he walked the entire Great Wall of China creating a world record.
Yet, he had time to finish his Post Graduate Degree in Christian Theology at Oxford University,
after 4 years of research.
Rev. Dr. Sumana is ever active during his sojourns in Malaysia and Singapore and has been to
India 48 times in different capacities, by his 48th Monkhood Anniversary.
His next effort in 4 years is to walk round the world for peace, starting from Palestine and ending
in Israel.
In recognition of his non-religious professional career and service, India awarded him "Glory of
India" whose recipients include Mother Teresa, Indian Presidents, overseas Indian professionals
& Bollywood actors.
The World Federation of World Peace with 3 million members has awarded him: Ambassador of



Недавно с ним встречались в Гонконге , очень энергичный монах :)




Нет, мы не планировали записывать лекцию монаха.


Цитата: syugyosya от 21:53 11 сентября 2013
Недавно с ним встречались в Гонконге , очень энергичный монах :)

Я нахожу всех шри ланкийцев энергичными. Приходилось работать на кухне в монастыре с ланкийцами. Они не ходили, а летали по кухне, летали овощи, сковородки ... :)

Мне бы столько энергии.