Что есть ádhára-bháva? (Мула-Тика о природе времени.)

Автор Германн, 10:13 18 апреля 2018

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Múla Tiká says: "Though time is determined by the kind of consciousness [e.g. as specified in the first paragraph of the Dhammasanganì] and is non-existent (avijjamána) as to individual essence, yet as the non-entity (abháva) before and after the moment in which those [conascent and co-present] dhammas occur, it is called the 'container (adhikarana)'; it is perceived (symbolized) only as the state of a receptacle (ádhára-bháva) (Dhs-a 62).


Из Критического словаря:

ādhāra-bhāva, m., the fact or condition of being a support; Sadd (II) 564,26; nom. sg. kusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ patiṭṭhāvasena ~o, Vism (I) 8,6 = Ud-a 223,4 (expl. of sīla), quoted Sadd (II) 435,3; acc. ~aṁ upagatā viya, Sp (VII) 1369,10; instr. sabbapāṇīnam ~ena patiṭṭhā, Bv-a 38,29; avayavānaṁ ~ena paññāpīyati, Ud-a 22,15; abl. ~ato, Sadd (I) 125,13; — — °-paccupaṭṭhāna, mfn.; Vism (II) 444,10 foll. (nissayapaccayabhāvato, Vism-mhṭ SeIII 26,17); As 312,6 foll; Abhidh-av 67,2 foll.


Цитата: Ассаджи от 10:42 18 апреля 2018
Из Критического словаря:

ādhāra-bhāva, m., the fact or condition of being a support; Sadd (II) 564,26; nom. sg. kusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ patiṭṭhāvasena ~o, Vism (I) 8,6 = Ud-a 223,4 (expl. of sīla), quoted Sadd (II) 435,3; acc. ~aṁ upagatā viya, Sp (VII) 1369,10; instr. sabbapāṇīnam ~ena patiṭṭhā, Bv-a 38,29; avayavānaṁ ~ena paññāpīyati, Ud-a 22,15; abl. ~ato, Sadd (I) 125,13; — — °-paccupaṭṭhāna, mfn.; Vism (II) 444,10 foll. (nissayapaccayabhāvato, Vism-mhṭ SeIII 26,17); As 312,6 foll; Abhidh-av 67,2 foll.
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