Entries with Names starting with 'R'


Rajbana Vihara is the biggest Buddhist monestry in Bangladesh.It is an international Buddhist monestry and a tourist spot also. It is at the south-east part of the country in Rangamati district which is hilly place full of natural beauty and cultural diversities surrounding with Kaptai lake.The Bana vihara was established at Rajbari area of Rangamati in 1976 under Royal patronization.From the beganing of the Bana vihara under the supervision of His Holiness Ven. Arahant Ariyasavaka Sadhanananda Mahathera who is also known as Banabhante means monk of the forest,the vihara quickly extends its activity of true Buddhiusm to the human being.


On this website you will find suggestions and encouragement for reading the teachings of the Buddha as found in the Pali Canon of the Theravada Buddhist tradition. The intention is to build a relationship with the suttas through perpetual daily contact.


A useful table from the "Grammatik des Pali" by Achim Fachs which allows to find the Ancient Indian correspondences of the Pali words.


Theravada Buddhist temple with resident monks from Sri Lanka.  Located in Ilford which is in the London Borough of Redbridge (north-eastern part of Greater London, bordering the county of Essex).  Ilford Train Station is a 3 minute walk from the temple.  Ilford Train Station is a 20 minute direct train journey from one of central London's main train stations (London Liverpool Street Train Station).  The monks are supported through daily alms by a community of lay supporters.  There are two daily pujas (chanting sessions reciting key teachings of the Buddha in the ancient Pali language) at 6:30am and 6:30pm, as well as weekend, monthly and yearly programmes and events.

West Redding

Insight meditation practice at the Center is inspired by the teachings of Thai Buddhist Meditation Master Luangpor Teean.


Blog of Ajahn Sucitto, abbot of Cittaviveka monastery (UK).


The Regina Insight Meditation Community shares a commitment to the investigation and practice of the Buddha's teachings (Buddhadharma).  Together we explore the teachings on the nature of things. Within our community (sangha), we support and inspire each other to bring our spiritual practice into daily life.  Our practice is woven through the way we relate to each other in our community. Within an atmosphere of respect and honesty, each person's direct experience is honoured. We welcome anyone who wishes to explore this practice and these teachings.



This site is prepared to provide facilities in relevant fields of study for making researches into Pali Literature in Korea and abroad.


Examples of texts in indigenous scripts, materials on indeclinable particles and Pali grammatical terms.

Revised editions of three, free Pali textbooks, for download as PDFs!
-  Narada’s Textbook     
-  De Silva’s Textbook    
-  Duroiselle’s Textbook



For instance, if you are searching for all Pali compounds ending with the word "...kamma", you can easily find all these words on one page in this reverse dictionary.

Colorado Springs

A non-profit organization dedicated to educating people in the Dhamma. Founded by Dr Lucinda Green.


Rosemary & Steve's approach is to encourage an overall and balanced mental development practice. This aids in gaining Insight into our own nature and the laws of Nature; as well, developing deep Compassion and Understanding of the origins of difficulties and stress, and how to end them.


Abhidhamma tutorials, Pāli tutorials.


 The Association is a consolidation of Russian Buddhist resources on the Internet. This portal offers the directory of websites, Buddhist forum and news mailing list.