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Dedicated to the life and works of Anagarika Dhammapala, the Sri Lankan missionary who was responsible for restoring Buddha Gaya and highlighting Buddhism in the west.

Probably written in Pāli in Sri Lanka during the first century AD, the Vimuttimagga survived only in Chinese translation, from which the present rendering has been made. Ascribed to the Arahant Upatissa, the work is a meditation manual similar to the later Visuddhimagga, less analytical and more practical in its treatment of meditation.


Pali and Buddhist studies institute affiliated to Pune University.

- Original texts in Pali;

- Translations;

- Journals;

- Reference Works;

- Ancillary Works;

- Paperbacks;

- Contents of The Journal of the Pali Text Society.

The Society was founded in 1881 by T.W. Rhys Davids "to foster and promote the study of Pali texts". It publishes Pali texts in roman characters, translations in English and ancillary works including dictionaries, concordance, books for students of Pali and a journal.

On these pages you will find a list of all back Volumes of the Journal as well as their contents.

Guide to meditation centres and monasteries/hermitages, mostly in Southeast Asia (in German and English).

Here you will find descriptions of retreat places that Dieter Baltruschat and others have kindly gathered and written down over the last few years. We try to keep this information accurate and up-to-date, so that it can be a reliable resource for Buddhist meditators.


Our vision is to sustain and advance the teachings and practices as taught by the Buddha whereby monastics and laypeople cultivate skillful means to realize true happiness.

We will host monks from Metta Forest Monastery (Wat Metta), San Diego County, USA, whose Abbot is Taan Ajaan Geoff (Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu), on Vancouver Island near Victoria, BC. The monks will practice in line with the Dhamma and Vinaya (training rules) taught by the Buddha over 2500 years ago. There will be opportunities for the public to participate by offering food, receiving teachings, and attending group meditation sessions.  As well, we organize day-long teachings offered by Taan Ajaan Geoff.

Visit Buddhism Vision

BuddhismVision teaches you the reality of this universe as taught by Lord Buddha to help you reach Nirvana on your own phase. We explain Buddha Dharma, How to attain Sotapanna stage, how to get Buddhist Treatments to minimize the impact of your troubles and a lot more.

Association formed to support the practice of Mahasati Insight meditation, a technique developed by the 20th-century Thai insight meditation master, Luangpor Teean.


Insight meditation practice at the Center is inspired by the teachings of Thai Buddhist Meditation Master Luangpor Teean.

West Redding

Insight meditation practice at the Center is inspired by the teachings of Thai Buddhist Meditation Master Luangpor Teean.


Vipassana is een vorm van meditatie die ook wel inzichtmeditatie wordt genoemd. De vipassana-meditatie is ontwikkeld door de Boeddha; een lichte variant hiervan wordt gebruikt bij mindfulness-trainingen. Vipassana Haarlem organiseert een of twee keer per jaar een introductiecursus, naast andere activiteiten zoals een doorlopende groep, Insight Dialogue en themadagen.

De stichting stelt zich ten doel:

  • de beoefening van vipassana-meditatie, ook wel inzichtmeditatie genoemd, te bevorderen;
  • het stimuleren van de studie naar en het in praktijk brengen van de leer van de Boeddha;
  • het verrichten van alle verdere handelingen, die met het vorenstaande in de ruimste zin verband houden of daartoe bevorderlijk kunnen zijn.

Website made by Bhikkhu Dhammarakkhita on Pāli:

  • pronunciation;
  • sandhi;
  • nouns;
  • verbs.

What Does MIDL Mean?

The MIDL meditator seeks to find the middle path by neither suppressing nor avoiding any experience, but rather by softening into and unifying within the experience itself.



  • MIDL = Mindfulness In Daily Life
  • The Middle Way = MIDL is also a play on words that points towards the middle balance, or ‘Middle Way’ (MIDL Way) as revealed in the first talk given by the Buddha (SN 56:11).


What is MIDL Meditation?

The MIDL Meditation System is a systematic Buddhist insight meditation practice based on the Satipatthana Sutta, that has been designed for daily life. The MIDL meditator seeks to find the middle path by neither suppressing nor avoiding any experience, but rather by softening into and unifying within the experience itself. This path leads to the fading of attraction and aversion towards pleasant and unpleasant feeling and a seamless integration of meditation into daily life.

Medlow Bath

Established in 1989, the Centre is set in 2 acres of garden in Medlow Bath, a town in the beautiful Blue Mountains of New South Wales, 2 hours drive west of Sydney. The method of meditation followed in this Centre is Satipatthana Vipassana or Insight Meditation.

A schedule of upcoming livestreams, online retreats, and virtual teachings from monastics worldwide was created as a way to gather the various livestream activities of Thai Forest monasteries that popped up during the COVID-19 pandemic. The intention is to support a more communal experience of participating in livestreams (remotely), and to collect livestreams in one place, so you can find live Dhamma on youtube without getting distracted by cat videos.


Ctihodný Dhammadípa se rozhodl šířit Buddhovo poselství v Evropě. Za tímto účelem založil Buddhistické centrum Lesní klid s cílem poskytnout prostor pro studium a praxi buddhismu a dalším duchovním směrům, které souzní s buddhistickou naukou. Název pochází ze sanskrtu, jednoho z kanonickým jazyků buddhismu. Shanta Vana lze přeložit do češtiny jako lesní klid či utišený les.